In 2018, CCC rolled-out a new approach that aimed to assess and evaluate established MPAs within Southern Leyte following their establishment from CCC’s recommendations. This new approach formulated a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) framework and enabled CCC to highlight key barriers when establishing small-scale MPAs whilst promoting their positive use. A key output of this approach will be the production of numerous scientific articles that will aim for peer-review submission; providing opportunities for co-authorship by CCC staff. Following the conclusion of the BACI protocol, the LRCP is driving the establishment of MPAs through collaborative approaches whilst development new high-resolution data collection protocols, introducing technology into core processes.
From 2020, CCC will operate numerous protocols that range from nearshore fishery assessments and the use of Baited Remote Underwater Video systems (BRUV) to the utilisation of photogrammetric processes and reef restoration techniques.